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  • Writer's picturePaul Hoskin

What fixed term are you picking? 2, 3, 5 or 10 year......

Searches for two-year fixed mortgages accounted for around 43% of product searches on the Twenty7Tec platform in May, making it the most sought-after term.

According to mortgage market data for the month, the share of demand for a two-year fix was up significantly compared to last year, when searches accounted for only 22% of activity.

Searches for 3 and 5 year fixed products made up only a third of all fixed product searches compared to 41% a year ago, while 5-10 year fixed searches made up 24% of activity, down from 36% last year.

If you are currently considering your best options, please get in touch. Initial enquiries are free and no obligation.

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